Installation Notes –

The solution is to use only four feet for all attitude adjustment. I started by using the front and rear pairs, but the flexibility in the outriggers was too great at the front, so I reverted to the middle and rear sets, which were both more stable/repeatable in adjustment and closer in terms of spacing from the centre line, minimising differential adjustments. Working in this way, rake angle is as normal, but additional care is still required for azimuth shifts. My original plan was to set the speakers’ attitudes and then wind down the front feet, but doing so sounded markedly worse, with a loss of focus and immediacy, so in the end, four feet it was.

Teflon sliders – used in this case without the spike-locating plastic discs

I’ve spoken with Peak about both of these issues (the flexibility in the outriggers/number of feet and the lack of a reference plane for set up) and they’ve suffered their own challenges. Currently, they are in the process of auditioning steel outriggers to replace the aluminium alloy ones currently in use. These will be full width bars that stand the speaker on four feet, rather than six, placing those feet equidistant from the speaker’s centre-line. In addition there is talk of a removable platform that will bolt or fix to the base of the speakers in order to provide a reference level for set up. Both items will be retro-fittable to early production speakers, like the ones that we currently have under review.

That’s important for two reasons. I believe that of these different updates, the steel outrigger bars will have the greatest direct impact on sound quality. But the Delrin glides, the four equidistant feet and the reference levelling platform are going to be just as important. Speaker set up is an exacting process, part science, part art and a whole lot of experience. But, the easier you can make any process the better the results it will produce and, given that the vast majority of speakers and systems out in the real world are woefully under-performing, any company that takes that challenge seriously is doing both itself and its customers a serious favour: their speakers are going to sound better, more of the time.

In terms of the review, I’m sure the steel outriggers will improve the sound. As to the other challenges, the application of considerable care, attention to detail and a little lateral thinking has served to realise the Dragon Legacy’s considerable potential. But, easing that process can only be a good thing and it’s reassuring that Peak Consult have not only recognised the challenges this speaker presents, they’re well on the way in responding to them. I anticipate being able to A/B the four foot/steel arrangement versus the six foot/aluminium one in the not too distant future and will report accordingly. For now, I’m happy that I’ve extracted every last ounce of musical goodness from the speakers in their current form. For now, the Dragon’s are singing and there’s a review to write…