Category Archives: Blog

Installation Notes – Göbel Divin Marquis

The Göbel Divin Marquis Loudspeaker - an object lesson in making 'big' and 'heavy' easy.

New Year Quiz – the answers

Devilishly difficult! So what were the answers?

Free Jazz in stereo

Ornette Coleman's early masterpiece gets a masterful remastering

New Year Music Quiz 2022

Devilishly difficult questions and a prize that's actually well worth winning!

Installation Notes

Wadax brings a distinctly different approach to (and standard of) file replay...

Sound Strips…

Much more than a musical Bandaid!

On Solid Ground…

New grounding spikes from CH Precision to upgrade existing units...

Re-learning old lessons…

A story of tightening the lock nuts and rediscovering the 'truth'...