Star Quality…

But, given that the new QB8 shows its predecessor such a clean pair of musical heals, where does that leave owners of existing Mk. II units? Considering a change, is the answer to that. Given that this is literally a straight swap, I’d be astonished if your dealer (pusher?) isn’t leaning on your doorbell and asking you to take a listen. Either you will hear a significant musical improvement or you won’t. But either way it’s a win-win… If you don’t hear what the QB8 Mk. III does for your musical enjoyment, it suggests your system needs some urgent remedial action – ‘cos something is definitely holding it back! The latest QB8 should open the window on your recordings wider than ever before, not least because its benefits spread across every component in your system, allowing every single one to work better. There’s only one thing that’s nearer to the source of what you actually hear – and that’s the cable coming out of the wall. But it’s the QB8 that lets that cable really deliver…



QB8/III (C14 input) – $2,299.99 USD

QB8/III (C20 Input) – $2,599.99 USD

Nordost Corporation