It’s A Wrap…

Tidal and Vienna Acoustics might seem like strange bedfellows, but they have more in common than you might think. Both produce products that deliver fit and finish that’s well beyond the competition: Both are innovative and follow their own distinct path: And both have one hand on audio’s Holy Grail. For the first time, a future that embraces integrated streaming systems looks like an opportunity – a serious opportunity – rather than a threat. There will be no overnight transformation and the embedded reliance on separates will continue to flourish, albeit while simultaneously fading. But it also looks like the audio industry might actually be gearing up to appeal to those beyond the established audiophile customer base. There is hope, especially if more companies can follow this lead, embracing not just the technology and topology but the musical and performance priority these products embody. What makes these products so impressive isn’t their beautiful presentation. What makes them impressive AND important, is that they delivered some of the most enjoyable music in Munich.