“Here Be Monsters…”

That, in a nutshell, is really what the Mozart Infinities are all about. They’ll play anything for anybody, be happy doing it and make you as happy as they’ve been making me. They are beautifully finished, sensibly sized, have elegant proportions and come from a serious company with an excellent reputation. How they might compare to a similarly priced separates system isn’t even a question. No separates system that you put together for this money is going to come even close. The relaxed (and relaxing) quality that was so apparent in Munich makes them as engaging as they are enjoyable and if one system really does have to do it all – and do it all without breaking the bank – then the Vienna Acoustics Mozart Infinities don’t just set the standard, at this point in time they are the first and pretty much the only game in town.

I’ll leave you with one last anecdote. One of the people I took to hear the Mozarts in Munich was Rick Rubin, a man who knows a thing about the music industry and where it’s going. A regular visitor to the High-End show, I bumped into him in the corridor and he asked me what I’d heard that had impressed me? I took him to hear the Viennas. After doing the whole relaxing on entry and then sitting and being seduced thing, he turn to me and asked, “So what are we listening to?” I pointed at the speakers. He said, “Yes, but what else, what’s the rest of the system?” to which I replied, “This is it.” After a couple of “What, really?” back and fourths, he looked back at the speakers and said, “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for this? This is it. This is it. THIS IS IT!” (The last while leaping to his feet and waving his arms in the air.) Who am I to argue?


Prices (inc 20% sales tax):

Vienna Acoustics Mozart Infinity

Piano black or white – €12,490

Cherry – €12,490

Premium Rosewood – €14,350

Optional Spikes – €490
