This is – like any audio system – a team effort and we shouldn’t overlook that fact. Like Brazil in 1970, Real Madrid in the Champions league or Mercedes domination of Formula 1, great teams should be celebrated, but also force the competition to raise their game. One swallow doesn’t make a summer, but when you hear advances this significant in multiple components, advances that build on an evolving understanding of the contribution of system infrastructure and set up, it certainly suggests a new dawn, that in turn reveals a new horizon and a new level of ambition and expectation. Now we have to wait and see just how far that new horizon extends.
Wadax Atlantis Reference Transport
Wadax Atlantis Reference DAC – $145,000
CH Precision L10 Stereo Line-Stage Preamplifier – $73,000
CH Precision M10 Twin-Chassis Power amp – $93,000 (stereo)
Göbel Divin Noblesse Loudspeaker – $220,000, €195,000 (inc 20% sales tax)