This is a speaker that you could happily hang on the end of a whole host of different systems, happy to work (and grow) with them. Hook it up to the CH Precision I1 and you have the perfect second system for owners of big CH rigs – just right for the holiday home. But this speaker delivers so much more than that. Seeing it as a stop gap or stand in seriously undersells its musical potential. Let’s not forget that the Alumine 2 began life as a proof of concept: and what a concept it has proved to be, spawning the Alumine 5 and Reference Ultime 2 and 3. That’s some serious musical DNA, it all started here and listening to the alumina 2 it’s not hard to hear that.
Stenheim Alumine 2SE – £16,000/pr
Stenheim Switzerland SA
1963 Vétroz
Track Audio Speaker Stands – £650 – £1380 depending on height
Track Audio
Amersham, Bucks, UK