The Colibri C2 loudspeaker…

So much for the speakers – what about the rest of the system? Well, that’s easy. Although I used the C2/Sub 1000F combination with a number of different source components and amplifiers (of which more later), the undoubted star of this particular show was the WiiM AMP that I described above. At under €400 for a streaming capable source and amplifier, while also offering connectivity for other digital sources and an analogue input, that’s a complete electronics package that keeps the system cost below €10K. Not exactly beer budget, but a very serious – and seriously capable – set up for a lot less than you might expect.

And talking of set up, few systems I’ve used recently have come together as easily or impressively as this one. With their relatively limited low-frequency output, the C2s are incredibly tolerant of placement. Get them symmetrical to the main listening seat and make sure toe-in is equal (I fired them just wide of my shoulders) and you should be good to go. Next step is to hook up and set up the WiiM, which requires connection to a network and then following the on-screen directions that appear on your phone or tablet. Where so many such systems leave so much to be desired, this is a model of clarity, with simple, intuitive steps. You should have noise in no time.

Now the sub needs to be connected to the Sub Out on the WiiM. I used a Y-adaptor to derive a ‘stereo’ feed. Ideally the sub itself should be placed in the same plane as the speakers and adjusted for crossover frequency and level. You should use the controls on the back of the unit, but once you are in the ballpark you can use the sub-woofer configuration menu in the WiiM to adjust in steps of 1Hz and 1dB. Never underestimate how much adjustability can be incorporated into a modern, DSP-based product!

Thereafter you can certainly tinker, but that is essentially that. I added an Aardvark ethernet filter to the WiiM’s network connection and augmented the available sources with a Cyrus CD player and my Roon Nucleus. I stood the Sub 1000 on wooden blocks. Beyond that, it was simply a case of sit back and enjoy the music – and enjoy it I certainly did.

…And in practice.

Given the tortuous minutiae that dominate high-end audio and its discussion, I sometimes think we’ve forgotten that this is supposed to be fun. Indeed, given what’s been written above, by now you might be concluding that the Colibri system is essentially a glorified PA or disco rig, a party speaker for domestic raves. Well, it certainly has that capability, but there’s more, so much more to it than that. This speaker and the systems it encourages are all about musical enjoyment and putting that enjoyment first. That ability to play loud and proud – and to do so effortlessly – has fundamental implications for the way the Colibris are able to present music, irrespective of level. This isn’t a party system that can do home audio: it’s a sophisticated, capable and thoroughly entertaining home audio system that can let its hair down if you ask it to. That’s not just an important distinction, at this price, what the Colibri offers is pretty much unique.